Buck's Memorial Service

Several of us attended Buck's memorial service in the rotunda of the San Francisco City Hall.  Also attending was the Mayor, a Supervisor, a judge, past and present City Attorneys, about 50 colleagues from City Hall, and numerous other dignitaries.  A video tribute from Dianne Feinstein was played and the whole thing was video recorded.  Here is a link to the complete ceremony:


The memorial ran over its 1-hour limit because people couldn't stop talking about Buck.  After listening to what everyone had to say, it was crystal clear that everyone had the same impression of him: genuine, passionate, ever-curious, friendly, humble, always upbeat, one with nature, and incredibly intelligent.  His goal was to retire after 50 years of service to San Francisco, and he would have made that goal next summer.

I know 1 1/2 hours of video is a lot to watch, but I would encourage you to at least view the following:

Diane Fienstein's tribute (2 minutes) - at 29:55 in the video

Judge Rene Chouteau (20 minutes but worth it) - 35:40

Juliette Delventhal (Buck's daughter) - reading her letter to Buck after his death

Ivan Delventhal and sons - 1:20

Below are pictures taken at the event.

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